Thursday, March 24, 2011

Going Banana bread

Hi there! Sorry I've been gone, I just started a new job this week. I cook dinner for a convent. No, I am not joking. Really. I do. Lovely people by the way!

I decided to talk to you about this because I was staring at about 4 pounds of rapidly ripening bananas with glee. Soon they will be mine....

Now to make a successful banananannananana bread you must understand this:
All the dry ingredients can be mixed until the cows come home, and all the wet ingredients can be mixed together until the...oh I don't know...monkeys go to college, BUT when you mix the wet and the dry together maybe don't mix them that much. Stop bitching, its okay if its a little lumpy, it'll cook out. The banana can be folded in gently and as quickly as possible. Its like forcing your kids to go to their Great Aunt's Gertie's house.  The more you mix these two together, the tougher everything will be for you later. You want a nice, tender, no giant holes having banana bread for Pete's sake don't effing mix it too much!
 Oh yeah, the recipe. Sometimes I just like verbally abusing people....oh and you DID buy yourself a food scale, right? RIGHT?!

First, preheat your oven to 375F and grease any loaf pans you're using

These are your DRY ingredients:
Sift together( except the walnuts, that would just be silly)
10 oz sugar
1 lb 8 oz Pastry flour
1.25 oz baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp salt
6 oz. chopped walnuts

These are your WET ingredients:
Mix together well.
10 oz. eggs

1 lb 8oz smushed overripe banana
8 oz melted butter, or shortening, or oil

Mix together until the dry ingredients are just moistened. Pan and bake immediately for 50 minutes( if using loaf pans). If you would like to make muffins, line with cupcake liners, or grease a muffin tin and bake at 400F for 20-30 minutes. I've found that using an ice cream scoop help spread out the batter evenly.

Good Luck and don't screw anything up. Have a nice day.


  1. Sugar + Pastry Flour + Baking Powder + Baking Soda + Salt = Jiffy Mix


  2. Great. You get a gold star for the day. That's Bisquick too.
