Music(my third passion)
I have been really loving this band: The Civil Wars Barton Hollow
The CD that I listen to on the way to work is: Sigh No More
And finally, my sweet, sweet Adele 21 [+digital booklet]. Sing it honey! Fuck men! They suck! I agree! RAHR! A great song to belt to in the car! Who screwed you over Adele? I will beat the SHIT out of him! Check out Turning Tables.
A side note: I GUESS I have to plug my brother's band, as he likes to plug my blog: Cradle to the Grave
He's the talented one. Bastard. They are currently working on an album, which will be great because my stupid older brother is amazing. Thanks for sucking up all the family talent. You taco loving dick face.
And yes, all of these links are to because I want you to buy these albums and pretend to be me. It'll be fun, I swear. Oh, and please, share the music you like! I love music so very much, I will listen to anything! Just for the love of Key Riste don't fucking post shit about how much you hate my music. Shut up. Just shut up. I certainly don't care that you don't like the same music I do. Take your shitty attitude elsewhere Gaylord.
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