Monday, April 23, 2012

Goat Cheese

It was culinary school that did it.

I swear I never touched the stuff before then.

And then Garde Manger class happened.

Oh, it happened innocuously enough when my pal Jared suggested we add some to a spinach salad.

You bastard. 

Goat cheese is tangy, slightly salty, and delightfully creamy with a nice crumble.  Ask anyone who I've made spinach salad for how great it goes with a bacon mustard vinaigrette.

Goat Cheese and I met again, in my wine tasting class. This is where goat cheese, dark chocolate, and dried cherries met.  I know it sounds weird...but trust me. Goat cheese and balsamic vinaigrette is pretty awesome too.

Goat Cheese and I will be together forever. No matter how kinky it gets.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's been a long time, old blog. I can't say that I have been up to much other than parenting and existential crisis (I can do both!). After a few months after my Christmas job, I found another one. I work for a specialty market. I like it for the most part.  To say that I don't look at the prep tables for the bakery, meat, and deli departments longingly would be a lie.

I miss cooking so much. But I feel like I just wouldn't be any good if I ever did get a cooking job.  I know I said I was over getting fired from the cafe, but I think sometimes it still gets to me.  I can't give the work the time and energy that I want to.

 I haven't even baked at home in a long time.

I think my bread flour misses me.