Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Beurre Blanc: The lingerie of seafood...

Oh, buerre blanc you sexy bitch. This sauce...I love this sauce.  Where I live lobster is a big, big deal. This sauce and lobster make beautiful music together. You think lobster and drawn butter is awesome, wait til you try this! It takes a little bit to make and you have to be careful

Here's the recipe:
2 oz White wine vinegar (or champagne vinegar)
6 oz white wine
2 shallots sliced (these don't have to be perfect, they're being strained out)
1 tsp whole black peppercorn
5 thyme sprigs
1 pound (4 sticks) cold butter, in small cubes (This doesn't need to be perfect either since they will be melting, but they do have to be somewhat small and very cold)
 Salt, ground white pepper, and a lemon, to taste. Oh, and a little emergency heavy cream, reduced.

1. Reduce the first five ingredients until au sec (french for 'almost dry', like about a tablespoon). This is another 'do not boil' situation. Bring to a boil and then a little faster than a simmer.
2. Over very low heat, whisk in your cold butter piece by piece, do not add more than one piece at a time, or your sauce will break. Every now and then take you pot off the heat and whisk the butter in.
3. By the time you whisk in the last of your butter, it should look like a sauce.
4. Strain through a fine mesh colander.
5. Serve immediately! It will hold if kept in a warm water bath for about an hour and a half. Also your water bath should not be above 95F or your sauce will break! Breaking BAD! A fellow chef suggested keeping it in a thermos...I mean you know if you want to be REALLY fancy.

So, if your sauce broke ( you should see big blobs of fat on the top of your sauce) do not dismay! Take about 3 tablespoons of heavy cream and reduce it until a little thick and then whisk in your broken sauce a little at a time. This will make your sauce more stable and a little richer, too. Enjoy on any kind of seafood!


  1. Angela, I am totally making this the next time my family gets lobster.
    I like the creatures, but they aren't my favorite. I think it might be because I usually have some time with them in the car and couple of times I may have named one or two of them. I then make a member of the masculine gender drop them in the pot, although I feel a bit better about it after my brother in law taught me how to make them unconscious before they're dropped.
    The plain old butter got boring sometimes, and this sounds as if it might cut the slimy feeling one can get after consuming buttery lobster.

  2. You can throw some fresh, chopped tarragon in the sauce too.. Its amazing!
